Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ultra-fast broadband connection launched
A POWERFUL new broadband tool up to 250 times faster than a standard broadband connection was used yesterday to link researchers across the Pacific.
The internet connection, which sends one gigabit per second, is being hailed as a cutting-edge model for allowing world experts to collaborate from different countries in real time.
Yesterday, the OptIPortal linked researchers at the University of Melbourne with researchers at the University of California in San Diego via giant screens.
Using the technology, a scan of the brain can be shown to the cellular level and maintain full clarity. It combines high-definition video and audio with the sharing of ultra-resolution visualisations from a broad range of disciplines.
The resolution of the OptIPortal is 50 times higher than the highest resolution HD television commercially available.
Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy and Victorian Premier John Brumby watched the demonstration.
During the link-up Senator Conroy said he hoped the technology would eventually reach Australian households.
"We are, as you know, pushing ahead to try and develop genuine high-speed broadband here in Australia, which we would ultimately hope to deliver this sort of technology into everybody's home and that's why it's so exciting to see this project up and running," he said.
Ms Gillard was later challenged on whether the Government's broadband policy would allow for that level of technology to be available to homes.
She said the Government would concentrate on delivering its election promise of providing fast broadband to 98 per cent of homes under a $5 billion scheme.